Goat Pirate Blog
This is a Blog created by your resident Goat on all matters enjoy yourself but don't get lost in the sauce dRIP fOREVER
Monday, May 1, 2017
Classmates Presentation
I only had the joy of seeing one classmate's presentation, but i learned so much from it. He showed me that transitions mixed with effortless timing were a key part of any presentation. How to know the information isn't enough you need to know how to relay the information without reading words off a screen, and this im sure worked wonders for him. I couldn't fathom anything about his presentation being bad which is probably why i begged to see his to begin with aside from this post. Although im sure his presentation was great i felt my presentation was just as good if not better.
What I learned in Pirate School is
This was experience was as unsettling as being a prisoner on a pirate ship.I wrote on what makes a person a pirate. I deduced that a person only becomes a pirate either because they're greedy or desperate. I reinforced this by paralleling vikings to golden age day pirates and shining a light on what started modern day piracy. In the beginning I was torn between three topics but abruptly chose one so i could turn in the making a claim worksheet. After tearing my brain apart piece by piece to choose between the three i just couldn't. So i did what any stressed college student juggling two much would do, I did what i thought was the easiest. I started writing on all three topics and tried to see which would sway my attention the most. That is the part of this project i regret the most and wish i could've changed because this did nothing more than waste time, effort, words, and attention. In the end i learned that piracy today is nothing like it's ancestors and i was interested in how truly terrible the conditions of people is in modern day Somalia.
What Makes A Pirate?
turns a person into a pirate? What circumstances cause an individual to turn to
the skull and bones flag with a backdrop as black as the situation that first
bore light? An ancient Grecian proverb states that, “where there is a sea there
are pirates”, and from the moment man discovered that wood could float
the seeds of piracy were implanted in the human psyche. Documented piracy dates
back as far as the Vikings of the 8th Century, but the “Golden Age” of piracy
is considered to be from the 1650s-1730s. The lifestyle of a pirate from its
origins is that of a gruesome life filled with murder, treason, and
uncertainty; and this form of existence is not for an ordinary person. The
individuals who are extraordinary in one of two ways become pirates: those who
are either extraordinarily greedy or extraordinarily desperate. This means any
individual who willingly succumbs to this life either drunk with greed or has
nowhere else to turn. This is essentially what my paper will be about and how it will be structured. I believe the hardest part of my paper will be how i show that a normal person doesn't be come a pirate and in turn say what isn't normal.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Extra Credit Black Beard

BTW this is Blackbeard from the Anime One Piece he was one of the fiercest pirate Lords
Punishing a Pirate
Plight of a Prisoner
Dear Elizabeth,
Hello Wife I'm writing this from the comfort of a warm port cottage to which feels like a plantation bed in comparison to where I was earlier in the month. On my travel to the Caribbean my ship was ambushed by a pirate ship that lead to me believing I may never see your rosy cheeks and beautiful smile again. After ridding the ship of any valuables and killing a good amount of my men these barbarians took myself and a few others prisoner. While being slung onto the ship I was surprised to see a women amongst these savages; though she hid it well her large breasts made it hard for any disguise to suffice. I, thinking she would be the kindest of the bunch, plead to her speaking of you Jason and Sarah that I needed to make it back to you. She laughed in my face her eyes were cold and mirrored the thousand mile stare of a man whose soul had left. After staining my nose with her rancid breath turned to the Captain and asked, "Should I shoot this pathetic piece of shit now Calico" to which he replied "Save your gunpowder" never have a felt so insignificant than that moment. This women for the rest of the trip attempted time and time again to compel the captain to just kill us rather than risk us being rescued and turning against them. I prayed everyday I would be able to see you again and my prayers where answered. We were saved by a royal warship and that retched women was later identified to me as Anne Bonny and the Calico whom was Captain was allegedly her lover. Of all the torture I endured at the hands of these Neanderthals I wouldn't wish the hell of being the handler of that woman on my worst enemy.
Henry Morgan
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