Tuesday, January 24, 2017

True Pirates

  Cultural critic and essayist Walter Benjamin said, "History is written by the victors”, and the tale of  "exploration and discovery" is an example of history being written by the triumphant.Although what explorers such as  Columbus, Drake, and Morgan did was described as leading voyages of grand discovery where the "new lands" and "new resources" were found, loaded on ships, and brought back to the discoverer's land, instead these resources and lands were spoils of war. In the process, many Natives were deceived and murdered for shiny rocks and salty fish. Columbus, Drake, and Morgan and others like them resorted to unspeakable acts of violence, cruelty, and brutal behavior that mirrored the acts condemned shortly after as pirating.Columbus enslaved natives, forced conversion to Christianity, and stole the natives' islands and possessions. So in hindsight although what a history book calls discovery is actually pirating and who they called voyagers were actually pirates.

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